Emergency & First Aid Training – 25.04.15

On Saturday 25th April 2015, fellow Humanitarians engaged with student leaders at the University of Cape Town senior residence, Obz Square. The aim was to demonstrate basic first aid for the lay person and the use of emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire blankets. The event started at 09:30 and ended at 12:30 and […]


CANSA Shavathon – 06.03.15

On the 6th March,  The Humanitarians Team were requested to provide support to the Cancer Biology Research group at the University of Cape Town as they held their annual CANSA Shavathon at Medical School, UCT in Observatory. Fellow Humanitarians, assisted the CANSA team by spray painting student’s hair and creating funky styles as well as […]


Nelson Mandela Foundation Gender Lecture – 10.08.14

“It strikes me that our society is not outraged about this violence. We know it exists and is a problem, but we don’t see the same kind of outrage that says, ‘This cannot continue’,” Machel stated In continuing with educating ourselves to better perform as an organisation, the Humanitarians team were invited to attend the […]


Transforming Healthcare through Entrepreneurship – 16.09.14

On 16 September, the Humanitarians team attended an interactive panel discussion on entrepreneurship in healthcare to learn more about the opportunities for entrepreneurial solutions, routes to scale, and practical lessons from entrepreneurs who have made a positive impact in delivering healthcare. The event coincided with the PwC 2014 Vision to Reality Awards, and the SA […]


Health Education & Bread Campaign – 29.11.14

Closing the year, we approached a disadvantaged community close to our hearts in Bonteheuwel, Cape Town on November 29th in commemoration of World Aids Day. It was important necessary to educate the community on problems they currently face including education around the Ebola crisis that was currently affecting the world. We also acknowledged that the […]


BHP (KZN): Deaf & Blind Society – 20.06.14

In late June (20th), the Biokinetic Humanitarian Project conducted its first event in Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN), Durban, to the KZN Blind and Deaf Society. This was successfully conducted in association with the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal’s Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences Department students, . The intervention was led by senior lecturer and KZN co-ordinator for […]


BHP (WC) – Tramway Football Club – 06.09.14

Late in 2014, the Humanitarians was approached by UCT Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (ESSM) MPhil student, Robert Evans for assistance in testing for his research project in association with Victoria Hospital, Cape Town. He humbly requested the assistance of the Biokinetic Humanitarian Project team to assist him with his research project. His project consisted of […]


Palestine March – 09.08.14

Following the success of the first march in Cape Town to Parliament in solidarity for Palestine, a second march took place on National Womens Day (9 August 2014). This was the biggest protest event ever recorded since the Apartheid March in 1994. It was a hot summers day and though there were people protesting in […]


Sandwich Project – 08.08.14

Early Saturday, 8 August 2014, the Humanitarians, woke up early to make 100 peanut butter and jam sandwiches in under 30 minutes. Thereafter after a quick brief for the day we left at 9.45am to distribute the sandwiches at Grand Parade, Cape Town CBD area. Sandwiches were delivered to the homeless people because we acknowledge […]


Solidarity For Peace – 31.07.14

With the conflict and human rights infringement status currently taking place in the world, there came the need for all individuals regardless of race, colour or gender to come together and show solidarity for peace. This drove us towards the idea to create a banner for peace in which solidarity could be demonstrated by a […]

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